Sunday 14 September 2014

What I do

Despite everything, I just get on with it. One can say, with good reason: 'There is no tradition of art and no higher echelon of the world which is willing to admire true works.' Therefore, there is no painting, or poetry, or music, or architectural design worth taking an interest in.

But so what? Simply do what is right regardless.

There is no audience of people such as I am, or if there is, they are spread out and silent. This has been a greater problem for me. And my answer in my own way, may not be of use to other artists. They probably won't make any sense of it. But my resolution and the only way I have got myself out of a lethargy due to there being no 'market' for my work.

My response has been, lately, to write, draw and work generally, for a child; for a person like the sort of standard outline of a person one often puts on architectural drawings to show the scale of the drawing against a person. The person I have drawn for is an outline of a child.

This suits me, since it means I throw aside pretension and the urge to be difficult and original. You don't need to be original when educating young people. You simply do and draw what is needed in order to teach. Further, one gets down to basics. Children don't want to know the small details of some recondite problem or bit of learning. They want to know about God, life, action, and what is most vital.

So there is no audience; but on the other hand, in youth there is the desire for truth and fantasy which exceeds the reach of adults and our world's culture as it stands.

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